Student Leaders’ Congress 2015

Forty student leaders from different STI branches attended the Student Leader’s Congress 2015 last May 20-22, 2015 at STI Academic Center Ortigas-Cainta. The three-day seminar-workshop revolved around different activities particularly the discussion of the history of STI and the qualities of a leader, and team-building.
“Here we are STI” was the cheer that enlivened the stay-in participants all throughout the activity. The vision and mission of STI was clearly explained to the student leaders for the purpose of dissemination to their co-leaders.
On the first day, the first talk was Leadership 101, where one of the speakers expressed the essence of a leader being a good communicator. A leader should be equipped with the skills in expressing his/her thoughts using appropriate words. The second talk was about having a critical mind which will help the team progress in the area of learning from mistakes and having contingencies. The third talk is about situational leadership which requires the leader to know well his/her team to know who are fit for a certain task, and are not. The last talk is about servant leadership which brings to the realization that a leader’s objective of becoming one is to serve. The rest of the day was reserved for the watching of the cartoon movie “A Land Before Time” to show how leaders and followers interact.
The second day was held outdoors to challenge the student leaders and to instill in their hearts the values of determination, patience, people skills, and self-confidence through learning how to make a Bokashi, a ball made in Japan used to clean the rivers, and the chopsticks. They also had a team building to further hone their skills in communication and servant leadership.
On the third and last day, a symbol was made by the participants that will serve as their sigil being the first batch of attendees in the Student Leaders’ Congress. Our very own attendee, Danimae M. Reataza, incoming fourth year student and former Student Council Chairman, told us all about this fruitful event which added value to her experiences as a student leader.
Thank you STI Ortigas-Cainta for this event which opened avenues for camaraderie among our student leaders. Our congratulation goes to Danimae for letting her light shine in the said event. Your STI College Muñoz-EDSA family is so proud of you!
By Erika M. Ilagan
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