From Library to LIVErary

This academic year 2014 – 2015 the STI College Muñoz – EDSA Library experienced a big change. A new face of library was born, a different and unique one.
The management started the innovation last May 2014 to have a 21st Century approach from traditional to lively, friendly, and comfortable library, with a lot of various books (fiction, non-fiction), technology, and educational board games to choose from. This is to continuously provide real-life programs and activities that will challenge the students in maximizing their full-potential through the “Angat Estudyante” Principle.
STI Muñoz’s new LIVErary has three areas: The Computer/Research Area which houses for the new computers, students to do researches, home works, and the like. It also has six kobo tablets which contain a wide variety of electronic books (e-books) and educational games to sustain the students’ academic and non-academic interests.
Second is the Cozy Area which has a very relaxing atmosphere with couches, pillows, bean bags and fully carpeted area where students could be more comfortable. It also houses more or less 200 fiction and non-fiction books for the students to read. Novels like the Harry Potter Series, How to Train your Dragon, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Attack on Titan, Ender’s Game, The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, The Walking Dead and many more! It also includes the books of the best authors in the world today like, Nicholas Sparks, John Green, Charles Dickens, Sidney Sheldon, , Robert Kiyosaki, Bo Sanchez, and the like. The Cozy Area is also where students can watch a featured “movie of the week” that will help motivate and inspire them. Another step that was initiated by the School is to provide English For Power Meetings for the students to learn more about public speaking.
Third is the Reading Area, where all the educational books, thesis and other periodicals are provided.
All of these areas are accessible by the students from eight o’clock in the morning until seven o’clock in the evening, Mondays through Fridays. STIers can make their theses, researches or simply hang out with friends while playing educational board games, reading manga, and watching inspirational movies. These will certainly make their college life fun while learning through STI College Muñoz EDSA’s LIVErary!
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