The Prize of Aiming High

A few weeks ago, we talked about STI Muñoz’s endeavor to participate in the National Food Showdown 2014 Competition. It is a prestigious annual culinary competition participated by students from various colleges, universities and institutions, as well as professionals from various hotels and restaurants hosted by ABS-CBN TV Chefs, different hospitality and tourism industries, clubs, foundations and NGOs.
The recently concluded event marked another milestone for STI Muñoz as our students bagged awards amidst the array of impressive and influential competitors. Last September 24, 2014 (Wednesday) at the World Trade Center in Pasay City, we are very proud and honored to know that we won in two out of the five competitions we participated in.
Let us congratulate our very own Cherry Ibañez ofHRM701P/E, together with her coach, Coach Erika FlorraineMalang who won the Diploma (Top Four) Award out of 24 participants in the Mocktail Mixing Competition. The theme was “Drink Your Vegetable” where participants are to create an original drink for two persons in three minutes following the theme. Correct serving glass, proper preparation and creative garnishes were required. The following criteria were put into consideration: creativity, modern presentation and artistic approach.
Also, let us all praise another fruit of our crop, AngienethLyn Obispo of HRM701P/E, together with her coach, HTM Head Ms. Irene Francia who brought home the Gold (Champion) Award out of 18 participants in the Napkin Folding Competition. The theme was “Hold and Fold” where participants are to do 12 classic folds within a limited period of time as announced on the spot, and one original fold in two minutes. The goal is to be able to do the 12 classic folds appropriately and finish the original fold on time with creativity and originality.
Let us also congratulate and thank the other participants who are also part of our victory. They are: Aira Krizzaleen C. Alarcon (HRM701P/E), Jonah Paola Gonzales (HRM401P) and Jaime Orias (HRM301P) for the Creative Cake Decoration, with Coach Krystel Alene Arboleda; Gerwyn Talusan (HRM701P/E) for the Flairtending; Ma. Claudine Sopalanca (HRM701P/E)Aldrin Josef Alarcon (HRM701P/E), and Francis Sapico(HRM401P) for the Chef Wars – Classical Filipino, with CoachMercibel Alarcon.
Let us also thank our HTM Dean, Ms. Remedios Najera and the school administration for their all-out support to the event and the participants towards the attainment of the “AngatEstudyante” advocacy. The entire STI Muñoz community is one in this success. We congratulate all the participants and coaches who worked hard for this. Indeed, there is always a prize for aiming high. Aim high, STIers! Aim high with STI!
By Erika M. Ilagan
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