Category Archives: Resources and Materials

Our “Mr. NSTP” is also sometimes called in the faculty room as “Attorney” because aside from his demanding tasks and schedule as the NSTP Coordinator and Student Affairs Head, he is also currently taking 16 units of Law at the…

Does “forever” really exist? (Mayroon nga ba talagang “forever”?)
“February na, LOVE MONTH na!” People who are in a relationship are so excited every time February would come simply because of Valentine’s Day. We grew up with the custom that couples go on a date on February 14 or…

You, The Master of Your Life
Let’s face it. Reality strikes only when bad things happen. Or should I say, this is what and how we think. Say, your life’s theme for 2014 was Y.O.L.O. which means “You’ll Only Live Once” or Y.O.Y.O. which means “You’re…

How To Make Your New Year’s Resolutions Stick
I vividly remember my younger years every first day of school on January. My Language teacher (and on some years, even other teachers) would ask the class to write an article about our New Year’s Resolutions. I enjoyed writing those…

A Gift for Christmas
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas has finally come! We have celebrated our Christmas with classmates, teachers and acquaintances last December 17 at STI Muñoz. And I’m sure you all had a blast with all the activities…

Happy = Change + Positivity
There is a famous quotation that says “Change is the only thing permanent in this world”. Indeed, change is everywhere and is inevitable. But why is it that a lot of us can’t cope with change? Or should I say……

Be the Hero
We all love superheroes. Every household with a child would surely understand my next few statements. We may have a child, nephew or a niece playing with superheroes, battling against the evil ones. Your cousin would sometimes prefer having Superman…

Back to School, Back to Reality
Two weeks of being a bum and a couch potato has ended. Bid good bye to the Telenovelas you’ve religiously followed, the long chats over Facebook you’ve had until morning, and the unlimited texting and calling subscriptions you’ve registered with…

From Library to LIVErary
This academic year 2014 – 2015 the STI College Muñoz – EDSA Library experienced a big change. A new face of library was born, a different and unique one. The management started the innovation last May 2014 to have a…